Shattered Reflection
"Darren Brealey, is to be commended for such well-drawn and developed characters."
© Copyright 2008
Written & Produced by Darren Brealey
Directed by Elizabeth Penny
Theatre Review Written By: Zachary Lurje
Position: Arts Journalist
Program: Buzz Cuts
Dated: 1st October 2008
PREPARE for a sobering party and a bit of bosom as Christine takes you into her life as a middle-aged CEO with a serious addiction to alcohol, drugs and rent boys. Elizabeth Penny delivers Christine masterfully, picking up every nuance of physicality as she staggers, buzzes and frolics about her apartment desperately trying to gather friends for her 40th birthday. She first fails to convince flatmate Amy, played by Carolyn Masson, to party with her and remember the good old times. Her threesome request is met angrily by a tightly strung Amy who then leaves on her date.
The pace and expectation persists waiting for rent boy Oscar to arrive. Played by Luke D’Emanuele, Oscar is a creepy artist who isn’t what you expected in a rent boy – a very interesting choice. D’Emanuele maintains his hunched physicality and strange mannerisms brilliantly throughout.
Christine then manages to convince Oscar to invite his boyfriend Ben over for further shenanigans; again expectation builds. Once Ben arrives a series of very funny exchanges takes place full of innuendo and witticisms. Played by Dean Tyler, Ben is the perfect stereotype of the whiney gay princess, his awkwardness is all too well done.
Writer, Darren Brealey, is to be commended for such well-drawn and developed characters. The strength of Shattered Reflection comes in these interesting characters that you can relate to.