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Writer's pictureDarren Brealey

It’s all about the Media Release

Writing, production, auditions, fund raising, creative team with Director, Stage Management, and Costumes and Props, oh my.

What else can one human do? Oh wait, media release for, you guessed it, the media.

The machine behind putting Broken River on ghe map. Churning out a buzz in the chilly nights of Melbourne, enticing audiences a warm and cozy change in weather is nigh, hanfing sleepy town a reason to come out of hibernation. Did you know the 2023 Melbourne Fringe Festival is almost upon us?

Blessed are the musketeers, sorry, I mean, marketeers. That was a typo. Without the marketing team ftom the Fringe office in our corner, shouting out to the press about Broken River (and other available shows), there wouldn't be a festival to behold.

Of course, you could always join my mailing list to be notified about such crazy adventures, yet the media are our friends. And tis I, my gracious reader, who attempts to write a snappy and hilarious media release to tempt and allure a hungry audience to Gasworks Arts Park for a night of entertainment. And merrymaking at the foyer bar.

When I started out as a madman, I mean, playwright, sorry, more typos, I wasn't aware the salesman inside me would be called upon to darken the doors of unsuspecting friends and strangers. With hundreds of events in the Melbourne Fringe, vying for audiences is a tough gig. Yet, rewarding.

At this point of the adventure, I am pleasantly surprised and humbled by the generosity and approach from fridnds and strangers alike who have put up their hand to help out, "take me, I'm yours". They said. Or, words to that effect.

As I write this post, I tick off another task on the never ending list of production tasks. The Media Release, being one of them. And I know I can sleep better at night with the support of the team around me. And supporting me.

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