Keeping The
Sabbath Holy
Kevin, The Devil and The Witches, Jeanie and Pamela plan to increase visitor numbers to the Annual Procession including the Running Of The Bulls held on their Sabbath, Friday 13th. Kevin brings along his hand puppet to explain his plans of a Streaker, as sex sells. Jeanie fervently objects to holding the Annual Procession on Friday 13th as the anniversary celebration for Burning Of The Witches falls on that Friday.
Pamela wants to include her daughter in the festivals of the Annual Procession on the Float Of The Damned. Pamela brings her daughter, Christina into the meeting have her play Guitar for the Committee. If that doesn't please them, Christina will perform her Secondary College dance routine, from the Eisteddfod.
An argument breaks out amongst the Committee on what idea will bring more visitor numbers to the Sabbath, Kevin decides to sing a song with Nikki Webster.
First produced in the 2008 Play In A Day by Mitcham Theatre Group Inc.
in association with Sherbrooke Theatre Company.
Direction by Molly Henry
Matthew Coote … Kevin - The Devil
Pia Maganov … Madge
Ingrid Gang … Jeanie
Margaret Coulter … Pamela
Megan Mithen … Christina
Community Theatre
Monash Secodary College
Croydon, Victoria
Saturday 3rd May 2008
The Mitcham Theatre Group Inc. Committee
Plays included in this collection: